April 5, 2012

Letter to Parents

Dear parents/guardians,

Greetings! It is amazing to think that we are already making plans and sending home information pertaining to the end of the school year. While we will certainly miss having your children around our campus, we are excited for the grade 7’s, because we know they are ready to transition to life at the high school.

The purpose of this letter is to inform you of two significant events that happen at the end of the school year: Our camping trip to Thetis Island, and our end of the year farewell evening.

1. Thetis Island- We will be going to Thetis Island with all the grade 7 students from Wednesday, May 30-Friday, June 1. Students will be staying in cabins at Capernwray Bible College. Each student will be asked to pay $90 to cover some of the costs of the trip. More information on this trip will be sent home in the coming weeks.

2. End of year farewell- The final day of school for the grade 7’s is Thursday, June 21, and it is an early dismissal day (students will be dismissed at 12:00). That evening, students and their families will be invited back to the school for a farewell dessert evening in the gym. For the past number of years, a group of parent volunteers has organized some fun events for the students following the farewell evening. A common practice has been to have a dance in the gym on Thursday evening, followed by a trip to Playland the following day. The school is not involved in organizing these events. However, the school can be involved in helping connect parents who are interested in helping to making these things happen (if there is interest in doing this). If you are indeed interested in being a part of this grade 7 parent committee, there are three primary tasks:

1. Organize an event for Thursday following the formal farewell evening.

2. Organize an event for Friday.

3. Organize the ordering of “grad hoodies” (if there is an interest in this).

If you are interested in helping organize these events, please contact the school, and we will put you in touch with other parents who are also interested in helping out.

It has been a blessing being involved in the lives of your children this year. We have been continually blessed by them, and are excited for them as they prepare to move on to high school.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your child’s teacher.


Colin Bandstra, Andrew Georgy-Embree, Danny Nagtegaal, Karen Schnitzer

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