February 27, 2013

Egg Drop FAQ

Are we allowed to use a bag as a parachute?  No, parachutes!
What types of materials are we allowed to use?  Anything you want that’s not on the do not use list.
Can we use a box?  You can use pieces from a box.
Are we working on this in class?  Nope.
Can we rip pillows and use the insides?  Sure.
How high is the roof from the ground?  About two stories high.  Maybe 40 feet or so.  It’s high enough to break an egg if dropped unprotected.
Are we doing this in joint?  This is a solo project though you can solicit help from your family members.
Are we allowed on the roof?  The roof is for the egg drop projects.
Can we use wings?  To create drag—sure.
If it’s bigger than the rules state, what happens?  Probably not much, though you may be docked design points.  This is more of a guideline than a hard rule.
Can we do a part of a character or must it be the entire character?  A portion is fine.  Remember we have just chosen a theme for you.
Can we use electronics?  Nope.  This is a free fall exercise.
Can we do food?  Sure, so long as it matches the theme.
Can we use helium?  Um, let’s say no to this one.
Can we use play dough? Sure.
Can we ‘cartoonize’ anything we want, such as One Direction?  Um, let’s say no.
Can we use pieces of a stuffed animal? Sure.
Can we use bubble wrap? It’s not mentioned in the rules.  J
Can we use Lego?  No.
Can we use marshmallows? Sure. 

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